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New Deliverable on SURE-Farm Resilience Assessment Tool

The Resilience Assessment Tool (ResAT) assesses whether policy goals and instruments encourage, enable, tolerate or constrain farmers’ resilience enhancing strategies and resources.

The Resilience Assessment Tool (ResAT) builds on broad academic literature that has identified characteristics of resilience-enhancing policies. However, the report adds a distinction between policy characteristics that enhance either robustness, adaptability or transformability.

The aim of the report is not to assess the resilience of policies themselves, but the extent to which these policies influence the resilience of European farming systems, within the eleven member states of SURE-Farm’s case studies.

Corresponding Authors:

Katrien Termeer – Jeroen Candel – Peter Feindt – Yannick Buitenhuis

Wageningen University & Albrecht Daniel Thaer-Institute

More Information: D4.1: Assessing how Policies enable or constrain the Resilience of Farming Systems in the European Union: the Resilience Assessment Tool (ResAT)

About SURE-Farm

SURE-Farm is a research and innovation project funded by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 programme and involves 16 universities and research institutes from 11 European countries, coordinated by the Wageningen University & Research. Its full title is “Towards SUstainable and REsilient EU FARMing systems”