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New Deliverable on SURE-Farm Integrated Assessment tool

The objective of this report is to describe tools proposed within SURE-Farm’s reports to assess resilience, and to articulate the reasons for using them.

While models are identified as suitable tools for the complexity and multidimensionality of resilience, no single modelling approach or tool is likely to provide enough information to produce an integrated assessment of resilience. Hence, in SURE-Farm, we propose to use a multimethod interdisciplinary toolbox rather than a single one size-fits-all model.

Combining results and insights of all models and tools makes it possible to get an integrated perspective of the different outcomes of the farming system and how changes in the environment might affect them.

Corresponding Authors:

Hugo Herrera – Birgit Kopainsky – Franziska Appel – Alfons Balmann – Francesco Accatino – Muriel Tichit – Federico Antonioli – Simone Severini – Wim Paas – Pytrik Reidsma

University of BergenLeibnitz Institute of Agricultural Development and Transition EconomiesFrench National Institute for Agricultural ResearchTuscia University Wageningen University

More Information: D5.1 Report on IA tool to assess the resilience of farming systems and their delivery of private and public goods (Protocol).

About SURE-Farm

SURE-Farm is a research and innovation project funded by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 programme and involves 16 universities and research institutes from 11 European countries, coordinated by the Wageningen University & Research. Its full title is “Towards SUstainable and REsilient EU FARMing systems”