SURE-Farm book is out!
What exactly is resilience and how can it be enhanced? Farming systems in Europe are rapidly evolving while being at the same time under threat, as seen by the disappearance of dozens of farms every day. Farming systems must become more resilient in response to growing economic, environmental, institutional, and social challenges facing Europe’s agriculture. […]
Press release on roadmaps for enabling environment
Find in this press release the 6 key principles to enable resilience of farming systems in Europe ! Challenges that threaten the performance of farming systems have put resilience high on the agenda. Actions and strategies to stimulate the resilience of farming systems should follow six key principles that describe how actors in the farming […]
Good Bye! Hope to see you soon!
SURE-Farm has reached its ends. We would like to thank the partners for all for your great service in the SURE-Farm project, the immense work carried out by all the case studies, nice coordination, and hard work! We would also thank all the stakeholders who have been participating in SURE-Farm in the case study activities […]
Save the date and resgister now at the 178 EAAE seminar!
The 178 EAAE Seminar “Future challenges and resilience of farming systems in Europe” will be held online the 18th-20th May 2021. Find all the information and register at Registration is free!
New paper is out! COVID 19 impact assessment through the lens of resilience thinking
We are happy to announce that a new paper is out! Miranda Meuwissen with a large team of researchers from SURE-Farm have assessed the impact of Covid-19 on farming systems in Europe through the lens of resilience thinking. The assessment reveals that there has been a limited impact of Covid-19 on the production and delivery […]
New SURE-Farm publication on sustainability and resilience assessment
SURE-Farm partners have just published the paper “Participatory assessment of sustainability and resilience of three specialized farming systems” in Ecology and Society Journal. They present the Framework of Participatory Impact Assessment for Sustainable and Resilient FARMing systems (FoPIA-SURE-Farm). FoPIA-SUREFarm investigates farming system functioning, dynamics of main indicators, and specifies resilience for different resilience capacities, i.e., […]
New SURE-Farm paper on satellite support to insure farmers against extreme droughts
The SURE-Farm researchers, Willemijn Vroege and Robert Finger, and other co-authors have just published a new paper entitled “Satellite support to insure farmers against extreme droughts” in the Journal Nature Food . They conclude that agricultural insurance is a valuable strategy to cope with extreme weather risks. Improved satellite observation capabilities can be particularly helpful […]
Call for papers! 178th EAAE online Seminar. Future challenges and resilience of farming systems in Europe
How can farming systems adapt or radically transform to cope with challenges? What resilience-enhancing strategies can be followed? Who is taking the lead in enhancing resilience of a farming system? If your research addresses some of these questions we strongly encourage you to submit a paper to the 178th EAAE Seminar. Future challenges and resilience […]
New policy brief on resilience of farming systems under current conditions and future scenarios
A new SURE-Farm policy brief is out! SURE-Farm researches have found that the resilience of EU farming systems is perceived to be low to moderate. To make more resilient farming systems in the future a more balanced attention is needed for economic, social and environmental dimensions, and for an enabling environment. All involved actors inside […]
6th EAAE webinar on policy recommendations to enhance resilience of European farming systems
Do you want to be informed about policy recommendations to improve resilience of European Farming Systems? Please, click here and register in the next EAAE webinar! The webinar consists of four policy-oriented contributions. The first presentation provides policy recommendations to support risk management decision making in EU farming systems. The second policy-oriented contribution delves into farms demographics […]
New Policy Brief on Principles for a resilience-enabling environment
SURE-Farm has just issued a new policy brief on the principles that the farming systems and the enabling environments should implement to foster resilience in Euroepan agriulture. The principles are: to use resources to help the FS to deal with a shock only to buy time while working on structural solutions. to devote enough resources […]
A new report on conditions to foster resilience of farming systems is out!
Farming systems operate in biophysical, political, social, economic and cultural environments which are often far from stable. Frequently or unfavourably changing conditions can affect farming systems’ performance, i.e., the delivery of functions such as food production or ecosystem services. You can find in this report six general principles underpinning patterns that enable the resilience of […]
New report on the Risk Management Toolkit of the CAP is out!
A new report has just been issued! This report investigates the drivers of EU regions’ expenditure towards the Risk Management Toolkit of the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) by applying and comparing four types of regional-level spatial models, namely a spatial error model, a spatial autoregressive model, a spatial lag of X model and a spatial […]
Eurochoices special issue on farming systems’ resilience
We are happy to announce that the new special issue on European Farming Systems’ resilience is already published! You can find multiple suggestions to enhance resilience: 1.- The Struggle of Farming Systems in Europe: Looking for Explanations through the Lens of Resilience Miranda P.M. Meuwissen, Peter H. Feindt, Peter Midmore, Erwin Wauters, Robert Finger, Franziska […]
New video on building resilience of European farming systems
Dr. Miranda Meuwissen, Professor of risk management in food supply chains, Business Economics Group at Wageningen University & Research and coordinator of FURE-Farm, explains how to build resilience of European farming systems. She explains that improving farming systems resilience is complex. It requires a regional approach and there is no one solution that fits all […]
New deliverable on farming systems’ resilience impact assessment
A new report is now available! It assesses the impacts of improved strategies and policy options on the resilience of farming systems across the EU. SURE-Farm researchers used insights from a participatory assessment (FoPIA‐SURE‐Farm 1 and 2) executed in in 11 EU farming systems to identify strategies that enhance sustainability and resilience of these farming […]
New paper on farmers’ risk attitude
Read the new paper written by Martina Bozzola and Robert Finger about the farmers’ risk attitude. This article investigates the stability of farmers’ risk attitude over time. The authors find evidence of risk preference changes over time in response to changes in the European Union Common Agricultural Policy and possibly after a drought-induced production shock. […]
New paper on Pathways for European agriculture and food systems
We are glad to announce that SURE-Farm researchers participated in the definition of the Shared Socio-economic Pathways for European agriculture and food systems: The Eur-Agri-SSPs. The authors followed a nine-step protocol to extend and enrich a set of global scenarios – the Shared Socio-economic Pathways (SSPs) – providing regional and sectoral detail for European agriculture […]
New SURE-Farm spin-off paper
A new paper on weather insurance is released! Looking for better insurance solutions to cope with drought risks, the authors design a weather index insurance using drought indices based on precipitation, soil moisture and evapotranspiration as underlying drought index and compare their risk-reducing potential for winter wheat producers in Eastern Germany. Click here to download […]
VII SURE-Farm consortium meeting
The VII SURE-Farm consortium meeting was held the 7th-9th September. As the previous one, it was an online consortium meeting. Several issues were discussed in the meeting such as the definition of the resilience enabling environment and the implementation roadmaps, the identification of the strategies to enhance resilience and the system dynamics assessment by applying […]