New deliverable on farming systems’ resilience impact assessment
A new report is now available! It assesses the impacts of improved strategies and policy options on the resilience of farming systems across the EU.
SURE-Farm researchers used insights from a participatory assessment (FoPIA‐SURE‐Farm 1 and 2) executed in in 11 EU farming systems to identify strategies that enhance sustainability and resilience of these farming systems. This participatory assessment was complemented by an expert assessment and system dynamics (SD) modelling, to improve understanding of dynamic processes influencing sustainability and resilience of farming systems, and the conditions that enable such processes.
The main aim of this report is to identify past and optional future strategies in farming systems across the EU, to assess how these contribute to the delivery of private and public goods and resilience‐enhancing attributes, and to identify additional interventions needed by farming system actors and the enabling environment.
Have a look at the full report! Download
Reidsma, P., W. Paas, F. Accatino, F. Appel, J. Black, J. Bijttebier, C. Gavrilescu, B. Kopainsky, V. Krupin, G. Manevska Tasevska, M. Meuwissen, F. Ollendorf, M. Peneva, S. Senni, S. Severini, B. Soriano, J. Urquhart, M. Vigani, K. Zawalinska, C. Zinnanti, H. Herrera, 2020. D5.6 Impacts of improved strategies and policy options on the resilience of farming systems across the EU. Sustainable and resilient EU farming systems (SURE‐Farm) project report, EU Horizon 2020
Grant Agreement No. 727520.
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